Join UtSTA for a one hour virtual event with Lynn Gutzwiller
The book is Bat Loves the Night: Read and Wonder by. Nicola Davies
It will be attached to Strand 4.3
Objective: Our goal is to demonstrate how literature can be used as a catalyst for developing analytical writing skills within the context of scientific inquiry. By using selected books as mentor texts, this session will guide teachers in initiating and enhancing students' analytical writing abilities, intertwined with scientific practices. The focus will be on leveraging inquiry-based writing exercises to achieve proficiency in the writing standards.
When you register, please enter your CACTUS number if you would like to receive one relicensure point.
Members will receive a free copy of one book! FREE
Nonmembers cost is $35.00 to register.
NOTE: If you are not a current member of UtSTA you can renew your membership or join the Utah Science Teachers Association today ($10-15/year) To join today, CLICK HERE.
email: dmonson@utsta.org